an MT blog
Projects and other junk

So we touched on phones a little bit last time, well I say phones, but a micro controller is hardly how phones work and I promise we are never going to be done talking about phones. Unfortunate for...

Last time we talked about what Project Shatterstone is all about so this time we will talk about something a little more interesting. Forewarning, I can’t guarantee there won’t be spoilers, but as ...

This summer my last college friend was getting married and so we went to one of his favorite vacation spots, Las Vegas, for the bachelor party. Out of 6 of us I was the only one flying out of a dif...

Let’s start this blog of with something simple, tasty seasoned pretzels. I am not a big snack eater. I like to eat a little bit of something really good instead of a lot of mediocre. A friend got s...